Over the past two years, we have been working closely with our very good partner, Second Chance Cars (SCC), an innovative local non-profit organization in Concord that refurbishes used cars with the help of vocational high school students. SCC now has a real shortage of cars that they can refurbish and award to deserving Concord and Carlisle neighbors.

We are pleased with our partnership with Second Chance Cars. Working together, we are helping neighbors who need a car to get to work or to get a job. We awarded one car last year to a Concord neighbor and another application is in-progress…and the need continues to grow.

This is a great success story that we want to grow.

Help us get more donated cars

  • Do you have a car yourself that you’d consider donating?
  • Do you have a relative or friend or neighbor who has such a car (perhaps an elderly person who can no longer safely drive or someone facing an expensive car repair that may exceed the value of the car)?
  • Do you have any personal connections who can lead us to one (or maybe more?) car donation?
  • If not right now, maybe you can think of someone who might donate in the future?

When you donate a car to Second Chance Cars, you will be invited to attend the car award ceremony and meet the recipient and all the people responsible for preparing the car. This is a uniquely gratifying experience. Watch the following videos to learn more.

If you have a gently used car that you can donate, know someone who may have one, or have questions about this, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Society ‘hotline’ at 978-369-7442, extension 229. One of our volunteers will call you back. Your support can help a local Concord/Carlisle family in need of a car.

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